Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I'm current in PA on business for the week. Flew in Sunday so we could do setup on Monday. We are training some students on how to use our product in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. As a result I took a little time to run down to Gettysburg. I remember coming here once as a child and thought it was BORING. As an adult I have a much different view then I did as a child. There is a spirit to the place. It's hard for be to describe. Sad. Sorrowful. Cheerless. I can't really find the word to describe it. I would not say it was was more sorrowful then anything else. It was a strange feeling. It's an interesting place. We showed up just as the sun was going down. I had the GPS with me so I looked up to see if there were any geocaches in the area. First I found this one - - which was rather cool. And then we found this one - which was very cool as well.

This picture was taken from the top of the 2nd cache. It was dark - - and getting really dark...but it fun. Apparently there once were five towers that were placed and over 650 up. A bunch of steps - and you have a great view of the battlefield.
Fireflies - - Ah - I miss them. As we were driving through the battlefield I started seeing fireflies. I really miss them. It made me think of Cheri and I tried to take some video of them - - but I don't think it came out. We'll see

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