Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Basement

I should have started this years ago but we just never did. So - the work now begins. I've started to finish the basement. We'll end up with two bedrooms, one bathroom and a Family room.
This is the view from the corner of the family room towards one of the bathrooms. I'm standing roughly where the entertainment center will be.....yeah!

I am about 1/4 or almost 1/3 of the way with the basement being framed. Yet, these are the easy rooms so to speak. The other half will have a bathroom, utility closet and a bunch of other walls that will take a bit more thinking.

This view is from the one bedroom back towards the family room.

I was hoping to be farther along by this point - but I've been on the road 2 out of the last 3 weeks so I guess I shouldn't complain. I hope to have this half done by this weekend...even though I'm on the road until Thursday morning. The other half will be somewhat easier and somewhat harder. The one bedroom is pretty straight forward. The other rooms, like the bathroom and such will be a bit more difficult to frame in and decide exactly where everything is.

1 comment:

Croslands said...

You have such mad skills. I'm sure it is a good outlet.