Thursday, January 15, 2009

Really? Come on Really?

So Cheri and I went out to lunch since it's her birthday. And like so many of our dates we did a little bit of shopping. In the parking lot this car pulled up with this on their back window. No come on - - really? I don't think cats or dogs know how to be faithful to each other. Heck, I've seen dogs that even seemed confused as to what another dog even is. 

Now I see a lot of problems with this....for example, from their website I quote one happy customer that said - "Within minutes of visiting the site, my 'kids' were hitched" Whoa - - I think that is incest. 

And this raises lots of other questions. What about same gender pet marriage? If my pets of the same gender get married in California will Utah recognize it? Are their prenuptial agreements? What do I do if the pets later want to have a divorce? Am I on the hook for the legal fees of said divorce? Who pays for the honeymoon? My pets got busy before they were married, do the puppies now have to be adopted? If the parents split, who gets custody of the puppies? Ah, so many problems. 

Well - - at any rate - here is their website - Pet And if you marry of my dog Sophie to the neighbors dog without my permission I will make sure my dog craps in your lawn. 

And yeah - I realize it's all a joke and just for entertainment was this entry.


Janet said...

Wow that was a good laugh for the morning.

Gwilliam House said...

Why didn't I think of that business?