Monday, March 02, 2009

Alpine Utah

Alpine Utah, originally uploaded by Schmidt-Family.

New toys. We're getting ready for a trip and I really, really wanted a new toy for the camera. The toy is a little tiny GPS that fits on top of your camera and adds the latitude and longitude to pictures as you take them. So, Friday I went out and took some shots. I wanted to know if I could do a panorama in Photoshop and if it would then preserve the information when all the photos were merged! Needless to say - yes - it worked - and I'm a happy camper.

Oh, and why would you want to do this? Well then when you post your pictures on Flickr or other sites - the sites automatically map exactly where your photo was taken. Not very cool for personal party pictures but for landscapes - very cool. I plan on using this a lot next month.

1 comment:

Kelly Hill said...

Wow - that is so cool! As always, I love yours and Cheri's ability with a camera.

What's next month?