Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Drew's Birthday

Some kids never grow up. And I'm no exception. I love kites....big kites. I mean really big kites. What is fun about these kites is that you can stack them. You connect one to a 2nd one and so on. One kite is fun and fast. Two kites pull more and slow each other down a bit. Three - even slower. Four - not really that much slower - but a bit more pull. A single kite is sort of like a sport car on kite string. Four of these feel like a big truck at the end of the kite strings. They have enough pull that I need to lean back to keep my feet on the ground. 

You know that feeling you get when you are just about ready to loose at tug of war? Yeah - it feels like that!

Oh and yeah - it was 41 degrees outside. And windy (of course) and cold!

KITES!, originally uploaded by Schmidt-Family.

We have a few others like these - a few four foot kites. A ten foot version and a twelve foot version. The twelve footer rarely sees the light of day. It needs very little wind to fly. And anything more then a light breeze will rip your arms off. 

I have to thanks Megan for taking pictures and videos. An no - I didn't hit her - but I came close.

The kites coming in for a landing.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Alpine Utah

Alpine Utah, originally uploaded by Schmidt-Family.

New toys. We're getting ready for a trip and I really, really wanted a new toy for the camera. The toy is a little tiny GPS that fits on top of your camera and adds the latitude and longitude to pictures as you take them. So, Friday I went out and took some shots. I wanted to know if I could do a panorama in Photoshop and if it would then preserve the information when all the photos were merged! Needless to say - yes - it worked - and I'm a happy camper.

Oh, and why would you want to do this? Well then when you post your pictures on Flickr or other sites - the sites automatically map exactly where your photo was taken. Not very cool for personal party pictures but for landscapes - very cool. I plan on using this a lot next month.