Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Drew's Birthday

Some kids never grow up. And I'm no exception. I love kites....big kites. I mean really big kites. What is fun about these kites is that you can stack them. You connect one to a 2nd one and so on. One kite is fun and fast. Two kites pull more and slow each other down a bit. Three - even slower. Four - not really that much slower - but a bit more pull. A single kite is sort of like a sport car on kite string. Four of these feel like a big truck at the end of the kite strings. They have enough pull that I need to lean back to keep my feet on the ground. 

You know that feeling you get when you are just about ready to loose at tug of war? Yeah - it feels like that!

Oh and yeah - it was 41 degrees outside. And windy (of course) and cold!

KITES!, originally uploaded by Schmidt-Family.

We have a few others like these - a few four foot kites. A ten foot version and a twelve foot version. The twelve footer rarely sees the light of day. It needs very little wind to fly. And anything more then a light breeze will rip your arms off. 

I have to thanks Megan for taking pictures and videos. An no - I didn't hit her - but I came close.

The kites coming in for a landing.


Kelly Hill said...

Amazing!! I can imagine how incredible that must feel....

Schmidt Family said...

Come fly with us one of these days. Or if you see us in the field - come join us.

Becky Jones said...

You and Dan need to fly kites together. He also has a love of kites. We only have a few stunt kites though.

Kelly Hill said...

I'd LOVE it!!!!! You're on.

Gwilliam House said...

Nice landing! So do you fly them close to the ground on purpose or is that just the way the wind was that day?
Looks like fun!