Sunday, June 28, 2009

June Family Fun.....(for one saturday at least)

So Adria was mentioning that we haven't put anything up for a since she is gone to Denver for a few more days....I thought I better put something up.

Farmer's Market

Saturday we made a trip up to the Farmer's Market in SLC. We dragged our dog Sophie along. Whenever we take her out she gets a bit of attention. People wanting to spend time with her is a common thing. Her getting a chance to socialize with other dogs is the bonus for us. Over the winter she found her voice and seems to have become very protective of us. Everything appears to be a threat to her now. Luckily the market forces her to socialize with so many people she calms down quite a bit.

Farmer's Market

Cheri and Megan found some jewelry. Drew didn't think they had to look very hard.

Farmer's Market

While Cheri and Megan shopped a little Drew, Christina and Sophie hung out in the shade and Jessica practiced her camera skills.

Farmer's Market

Farmer's Market

After the market we ran up to the Air Force Museum up at the Hill Airforce base.

Hill Airforce Museum Hill Airforce Museum Hill Airforce Museum Hill Airforce Museum SR71

After that it was down to Five Guys for a burger then home. After that....there was a the lawn to mow, the garden to tend, the weeds to pull, the trees to water, the house to clean and a bunch of other stuff. All in all---a pretty good day.

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