Friday, April 23, 2010


Okay, if you know Drew you might know he likes kites. Well he also likes photography. So if you combine these two hobbies you get what is called Kite Aerial Photography or KAP for short. He came across this years ago when he found the website of Charles C. Benton. About three years ago Megan and Drew tried a short quick attempt. They suspended a kite and just set the camera to take video and they put it up. The pictures grabbed from the video were enough to know we were going to do more of this.

This is one of the pictures taken from the video 3 years ago. Notice the blur on the edges since it's a capture of a frame of the video.


Now...about a year ago Drew purchased everything he needed to make a full remote controlled KAP rig. Using RC airplane servos we can spin the camera both vertically and horizontally. Most important we can also hit the shutter to take pictures. No blurry video images. No we can get nice clean shots limited only by the megapixels of the camera.

Here is a picture of the completed KAP Rig. Drew can't take much credit for the design. He purchased the kit from BROOXES.COM.

First RC KAP Rig

So today - - after having the rig built for just over a day and having no wind yesterday....we got the kite up today. Here is the first picture taken from the rig....

April 23, 2010

And the 2nd picture -

April 23, 2010

April 23, 2010

April 23, 2010


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