Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

So here is the short version. Over 1000 miles in five days. Lots of turkey. Lots of fun with family....and let's not forget 2010 Pie Fest!

So this year for Thanksgiving Drew's brother Ray and his wife Mary invited us up to their place in Ohio for the weekend. We left Wednesday and drove the scenic route from Virginia over to Ohio via 28/55 then 32 up to Lancaster.

Being recently settled in Virginia we haven't found any dog babysitters yet. We did find a group of nuns that offer a sitting service just a few miles from our place, yet they were closed for Thanksgiving. So....for this trip, the dogs came with us. But never again!!!


Let's just say...they don't travel well. Well okay...the one pictured above does....the younger one does not!

Thanksgiving was great! Apparently so great we forgot to take any pictures of the spread. Yet soon after dinner we prepared for Pie Fest 2010! What is pie fest you ask? Well it's 9 pies and 1 torte for about 20 people or so.


The introduction of the torte was discussed at length. For example, what else will be allowed if we allow a torte to mingle with the pies? Is torte French for pie? Does the torte feel bad after being made fun of by all the pies?


Pictured above is the ShooFly Pie, Grandpa Schmidt's favorite and the Apple, one of Grandma Schmidt's specialties. The Torte is shown as well.

The following day was cold and windy yet we braved the cold and looked at a few of the local covered bridges. Um, Virginia is much warmer than Ohio for Thanksgiving. Still is--December 1st it was 61.





There was also one musical park right near one covered bridge. Fun but freezing cold!

The dogs quickly learned to sweet talk the correct people. Especially when treats were involved.


Mary's Sister owns a Candy Store. Isn't that every kids dream? So on Saturday we ran over there and the kids were able to grab some treats for themselves.




Then Saturday afternoon we said our goodbyes and traveled over to Maineville Ohio to see Cheri's brother Brandon and his wife. We actually went out of our way and stopped at the Heart of Ohio Antique Center. This place was HUGE! We spent probably an hour there and didn't even make it through the whole place. Yet we were able to pick up a few items for Christmas and ourselves!

When we got to Maineville, Brandon and Prisicla were so kind to take us out for some excellent Sushi! Jess and Christina had a hard time leaving Uncle Brandon because—sorry other uncles—but Brandon is still the funnest uncle. Perhaps it's because he sat on the floor and played with Harry Potter Legos with them...Brandon, keep in touch!




Just a Meanderer said...

Oh, what fun. Glad to see Ray and my favorite, the ShooFly pie! Thanks for sharing. -- Warren

Gwilliam House said...

Yum! Pies AND a candy store??? What more could you ask for!