Tuesday, January 18, 2011


So twice now since living here in Virginia we have experience what we like to call Code Red Days. When the weather gets bad the schools close and if it's really bad, or what they think is really bad, a Code Red is called for all the teachers. Meaning they don't have to come to school.

Our First Code Red
The first time this happened was after about 2 inches of snow fell during the day while the kids were in school. School was let out an hour early that day and then simply didn't open the next day. CODE RED! CODE RED! We can't help but snicker after shouting that.... Now, keep in mind the roads were clear that next day when the schools were closed. And by 11:00, there was no snow to see. Even then the sky was blue and clear. Drew ended up taking a half day off and we all went shopping.

Today was another CODE RED day. It started to snow last night....then some rain...then everything froze over night. Today could actually be considered a bad day. There was a thick layer of ice on everything. Our black driveway was white with ice. The back roads were still covered in ice and it was thick and frozen enough that the cars didn't break it up. Yet the main roads are just wet.

The kids love CODE RED days since they get a day off from school....and the weather is usually fine compared to Utah standards. Sure enough - by about noon is was all melted and everything was fine. So? Time for another trip.

Megan took off with some friends but the rest of us went out to lunch then to Skyline Caverns.

Not the cheapest caverns around but from the reviews we have read you need to see this one before you go see the larger caverns in Luray.

This thing looks like an eagle...can you see it?

And these crystals, called Anthodites, only exist in two other places in the world, but where discovered at this cave.

So in our house - CODE RED usually means let's go out and have some fun! It's not like the roads will be bad...ha ha ha.

1 comment:

Gwilliam House said...

Looks like a big Eagle I saw somewhere else.....With the wings outstretched.....sitting on top of some rocks......at the end of a road.....out in the middle of nowhere..