Sunday, April 10, 2011


So we've been rather busy lately and haven't had time to blog much. But we decided we better get something up here and share some news.

Girls are doing well in school and are having fun. Megan is working hard babysitting and at her job as well. Not to mention school and early morning seminary.

Jessica is in Irish Dance and is preparing for a big performance.

Christina just celebrated her 10th Birthday!

Cheri.....? To explain what she's been up to - - let us do a shameless plug and announcement at the same time.
So if you didn't know, Cheri has been writing books for a number of years. She actually has two different series all worked out. Each series contains at least 3 books. The first series has two finished books. One is now published on Amazon. The 2nd is soon to follow. These two will most likely be followed by the 1st book of the 2nd series, since it's already finished and ready to go.

This first book is called Fateful. You can click on that title and go straight to the Amazon page. Currently it is only available on the Kindle yet we will soon be offering it for iPad, Nook and eventually printed copies as well.

If you don't have a Kindle there are plenty of Kindle solutions for your phone, PC, Mac, Ipod. Just about whatever electronic device you have!

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